Availability-Summer 2022

Player Availability 2022

Player Availability 2022

Please complete this form to let us know your player’s availability for the remainder of summer. We will use this information to determine how many and which teams we can sign up for leagues and tournaments over the next 6 weeks. We will also use this information to realign rosters as needed to ensure available players have enough to play in games and tournaments. NON-SUBMISSION will be recorded as UNAVAILABLE in our rosters and those players will be invited to play on an “as-needed” basis only. In other words, if we don’t receive a form, players will not be officially rostered.

Player Name
Player Name
Player First
Player Last
Please check boxes for the Thursday night league weeks you are AVAILABLE.
Please check the boxes for the dates you are available. We will build the schedule using this input.
Please note the Grand Rapids tournament is 3 days, out of town. We will request late games for Friday, but will still need to leave in the early afternoon to make it. Hotel reservation booking information will be sent by June 28.
Please check the times that will regularly work for you to be at practice.
Please select all that apply. We will use this information to find the best day of the week for the majority to regularly practice.